Tuesday, 30 November 2010

女孩的 “随便”











■爱上一个人,可以让自己变得很认真, 生活找到了重点,开始有理由为自己改变,变得有精神。
■爱上一个人,可以让他飞得很自由, 但偶尔累了,却又可以休息得很安稳。
■爱上一个人,想让留著的加热包保有余温, 冀望著这一季秋,只想付出的心不再那麼寒冷。
■爱上一个人,心要变得更安份,更诚恳, 不必期待能收到多少分, 只在乎自己是否付出得完整。
■爱上一个人,把心情调到冰点,要能受得起, 即使你只是朋友的问候,却相应不理的冰冷。
■爱上一个人,往往对方就是看不到你的真诚, 反而连累身旁的朋友,替你担心,为你伤神。








①有了女朋友 . 好心就别乱搞 ~ 纸包不住火的 ! 看你能玩多久 ? ②有了女朋友 , 好心就别对其他女生口花花 ~ ③有了女朋友 , 好心就别半夜三更跟其他女生sms说电话 ~ ④有了女朋友 , 好心就别偷偷跟其他女生约会 ! ⑤有了女朋友 , 好心就别对其他女生有暧昧关系 ! 你怎么知道那女的就會不會是你女朋友的朋友 ? ⑥有了女朋友 . 好心手机和电脑就不要有其他女生的照片 ! 能免则免 ~ 女生会胡思乱想 ><" 误会吵架就不好了 ~ ⑦有了女朋友 , 好心就别在网上facebook或friendster 等等 . 一直跟完全不认识的女生要电话号码 ! 看到美女身痒呀 ? ⑧有了女朋友 , 好心就别跟其他女生太亲密 ! 即使是女朋友的朋友也不能~ ⑨有了女朋友 , 如果是真心爱她那就别让自己心爱的她哭 T^T 伤害自己><" ①0 有了女朋友 , 就别太过在乎自己的朋友 ~ 要知道 . 自己的女朋友才是最重要 ! ①①有了女朋友 , 就应该好好珍惜 =) ①②有了女朋友 , 就应该好好疼她 , 爱她 , 保护她 ~ 不要等到失去以后才后悔 , 没用的 ! 失去的 , 就是永远失去了 ~ 怎样也挽回不了 . 没那么简单 . 就能找到谈得来的伴~~~ 想想吧 , 在你最无助的时候 . 是谁不离不弃陪你走过难关?? 给那些有了好的女朋友的男生^^

A kiss can beautify souls hearts and thoughts.

- Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
- Holding you tight pressed against each other: I want you.
- Looking into each other's Eyes: I like you, for who you are.
- Playing with Hair: Let's fool around.
- Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
- Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you.

- Kiss on the Forehead: We're cute together .
- Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.
- Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.
- Kiss on the Neck: I want you, now.
- Kiss on the Shoulder: Your perfect.
- Kiss on the Lips: I LOVE YOU...

Ways To Get To A Girls Heart-- 1. Hug her from behind. 2. Grab her hand when you guys walk next to each other. 3. When standing, wrap your arms around her. 4. Cuddle with her. 5. Dont force her to do ANYTHING! 6. Write little notes. 7. Compliment her. 8. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible. 9. Say I love you.....and MEAN IT! 10. Brush the hair out of her eyes 11. Comfort her when she cries. 12. Love her with all your heart

Reasons why I love you

He makes me feel so safe and so loved

I don’t know why I love him the way I do. He makes me feel so safe and so loved, in his arms I am truly free. The way he looks at me sends shivers down my spine but I know everything will be okay. He always makes everything okay. When he smiles at me my heart could soar. Every stupid love song on the radio belongs to us. It’s so nice just to love him and not care and know that he loves me back. It’s nice to be with him and spend time with him and watch his sweet face as he sleeps and to feel his heart beat. I think if you felt our heartbeats they would beat at the same time. I feel like this is what I was meant to feel, like all the others were just practice, but this is for real. He makes me feel like I could be anyone and do anything I wanted. The way he protects me makes me melt, and the way he is so overprotective. I’m not afraid anymore, he’s always comforting me and letting me know he’s with me every step of the way. So this is what true love feels like.

Times that i miss u

46 reasons why I LIKE and LOVE YOU.

1. Your simplicity makes me fall harder.

2. You keep on denying that you have looks, when you really have looks.

3. The spaces between your fingers are where mine fits perfectly.

4. Every little part of you is interesting.

5. You give the tender loving care every girl needs.

6. There’s something about us that keeps me hanging on.

7. Your eyes do all the talking.

8. Our likes and dislikes are quite similar in a way.

9. You showed me that not all guys are liars.

10. Every little thing I do to leave you brings me back to you.

11. Love de way u Kiss my forehead.

12. Even though you’re busy, you still allow me to bug you.

13. I sleep after you send your good night messages.

14. I wake up to your good morning messages, where all the good vibes came from.

15. Even though the signal here is crappy, you still try to call me.

16. You inspire me to do good things.

17. I have so much love for you.

18. I have nothing more to prove since you know I’m yours.

19. When something happens to me, I want you to be the first one to know.

20. When you tell me you love me, I really feel that you do.

22. I can be the real me, knowing that you’d accept what I really am.

23. Okay, I am surly, but you never left me.

24. You are a straight-forward person.

25. Love de way U hug me

26. Love de way u sayang me

27. You know how to turn this frown upside-down.

28. You are imperfectly perfect in my eyes.

29. Sometimes, I really feel like crying. But when you’re around, I feel like laughing.

30. Love de way u pamper me.

31. Love de way u dote me.

32. I would give anything just to dream about you. Because I believe that dreaming about you will make me much happier.

33. When you tell me you love me, my ears burn.

34. Love de way u give in to me.

35. Love de way when u r jealous.

36. I forget to breathe because of you.

37. You bring out the best in me.

38. Every time I blink.. I think of you.

39. It’s too hard to be far away from someone like you.

40. I like those lips of yours.

41. You befriend my friends.

42. You call me your mallow and baby. :p

43. Love de way when u r angry.

44. You keep me grounded.

45. You make sure every COUNTS.

46. I love you!!!

Monday, 29 November 2010

This is de reason that i dun dare to love u more

This pic is for u to know that i sometime really dun wish to love n care about u more or deeper.. cos i scared u will let me down again.. always when i really wanna love u more, but somehow always have thing happen.. always is our quarrel n quartrel.. always bcos of quarrel den our r/s from bad to worsr.. i really dunnoe wat to do to maintain our r/s.. n i dunnoe how to control my temper.. u always said i did not control my temper.. i suspect is i really did not control or u r de one who blast my temper out.. haiz... **speechless**

word from me

I wish that one day i n u really can be like de past like that.. as sweet like last time n as loving like last time too.. somehow our gap is from big to huge liao le.. i really dunnoe wat to do.. u think that is our thinking is not de same... or u think that my temper i really cant control at all.. or u think that always bcos of de same topic n keep on quarrel.. i really dun have any intend to let go but somehow, always we quarrel, i always ask u go find another gal.. haha.. dunnoe u one day will u really go find other gal ma.. haha...

The word n sentence thati wish to said to u

I want a boy…

A bad boy, but a bad boy with a soft side.
A boy who will make me laugh.
A boy who will let me play with his hair.
A boy that would look me in the eyes and sing me something random but sweet.
A boy that acts normal around anyone.
A boy who would tell a girl that he had a girlfriend.
A boy who would make out in the rain with me.
A boy who would lay under the stars and tell me stories as I lay my head on his chest.
A boy who would wait for me outside the bathroom.
A boy who would come up behind me; take my hands; and lay his head on my shoulder so I can put mine on his.
A boy who lets me pay for some thing’s.
A boy who would do something special for me if I were having a bad day.
A boy who would beat another guys ass if they were messing with me.
A boy who would call me at 3am and ask me what I was doing; and tell me he was thinking about me
A boy who would pick out a song that made him think of me.
A boy who would help me if I was having problems at home.
A boy who would take the blame for me being late.
A boy who would pin me against a wall and kiss me.
A boy who would take me to the movies and see a stupid kid movie; just so we can sit in the back and make out.
A boy who makes his friends jealous of me because he talks about me so much.
A boy who lets me take pictures of him at embarrassing times.
A boy who would pretty much do anything for me.
A boy who would kiss my forehead.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

You mean everything to me.

It’s YOU. You mean everything to me. You are the first thought in my head in the morning when I wake up. My last thought before I go to bed. You smile at me in my dreams. When you are sad, I fell sad, and when I see your true smile, I feel incredible, like there is no other thing around and all I can see is you. :)

Ihope we can....

Trust me; I’m not lying. I do miss you deep down inside. You told me that I wouldn’t lose you, yet I lost you. You told me you wanted to spend time with me, but I didn’t get my chance to. Somehow I should have expected this to happen, but I didn’t let it bother me. It’s kind of like I wanted it to happen. You said things that no one has ever said to me and you opened my eyes to what surrounds me. You made me realize that I had a lot more than I actually thought and no one has made me feel so loved like you did. You taught me how to love. You taught me to not only love myself, but you taught me how to love others. Whether you believe it or not, I fell in love with you.

Saturday, 27 November 2010


I love it when we have long conversations about anything. I love it when we get to hang out together. I love it when we laugh about something completely stupid. I love it when we hold hands while sitting together. I love it when we just stand still hugging while ignoring the rest of the world. I love it when we create wonderful memories together. I love how comfortable I feel telling you that I love you every night before I sleep.

I want to show you off to the world. We don’t have to make out everywhere we go just so that we could make everyone in our atmosphere crave it so much that they start to lick their lips. Or hold hands just so all the single people can walk by and call us cute. We don’t need matching outfits so we could camera whore and get all these comments on Facebook. As cute as that may sound, we don’t have to do any of that. There is nothing we need to prove to anyone because I’m yours and you’re mine. Fuck all the standards of being a couple, let’s just be together. That’s all that really mattered anyway.

When I say that I want to show you off to the world, its not my intention to make everyone jealous. Its to make them believe that it is possible to find something special when you least expect it. A trust so strong that you don’t need pinky promises to define it since they just know not to tell your secrets. A connection so rare that they become your part time lover and full time friend. A relationship so special that they bring out the best in you. Let’s just be together and leave it at that.

A relationship is a team!!

We work together. When something happens, we work together to fix it. If something gets in the way, we work together to get through it. Notice how together is in every sentence. It’s because a relationship isn’t a relationship without two people working together. There can’t be only one person trying.

The way we hold hands!!

I’m really craving something like this. No sex or making out, nothing like that right now. But holding hands, not just holding hands but holding hands with someone you really care for. Laying down next to them, cuddling but something feels empty. Slipping your fingers into mine, I feel like I have the whole world in my hands at that moment. I feel like like if I let go everything would be different, it’s a simple gesture but it means a lot, it shows how much I want need you, I need you with me, “stay with me” don’t go anywhere .

(The way we hold hands..) :”>


I want to be someone’s last call of the night and their first thought in the morning. I want those 5 hour conversations that end in “No you hung up first” I want the heart racing palm sweaty, “What’s gonna happen next” moments. I want the hugs that you never want to let go of and the stolen kisses that are always the sweetest. But most of importantly, I just want to know that someone considers me theirs.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Can we juz like de past???

Still rmb all these photo...?? flower?? handphone pouch n de bear??? all those is u DIY for me de... but i dunnoe how come last time n now is so big different... haiz... hope we really can be better ba...