Saturday, 15 January 2011

5 stuffs i expect to get from a guy before i fall for him.

this has got to do on the respect of your body. a guy who wants you solely wants your heart. as the body of a female is like a temple to her, he never disregard the fact that this is a respect that every woman yearn from the opposite sex. what’s more, a guy who loves you, is willing to wait even till the day of marriage to make love with you.

what’s with a non-verbal approach? we’ve got to talk through everything be it the negative or positive. all in all, if things can’t be solve, we shall have a clean cut-out from our lives. and with this factor, we can at least know what each other is thinking about & see what we can do to sort things out. with this, we get to know each other better as well, no?

the level of security is important because all in all, a relationship exist when both parties believe in each other and feel safe in each other presence or even, non-presence. this factor also serves as a prominent approach for anyone to not be paranoid as the level of trust is being established and nothing would ever go wrong.

this is one of the most important aspect as i need humour in my life. not many people know about my life, and for people whom know, they know that my life has never been easy and all i ever wanted was to smile genuinely and to laugh to my heart’s content. and i never would want to be with someone who is dull and uninteresting.

this has got to do with time especially. someone to give me his all in all important dates of the year. even till the extent whereby you are at your busiest moment and i whine to just have 5 minutes of your time, and the next thing i know, you gave up everything that you are doing at that point of time in exchange of my 5 minutes.
hard or easy to meet? let’s put it in a long-term approach. well, i chose the first option.

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